Owning Real Estate Means Having A Decent Mortgage Life Insurance Policy and Broker

by Jennifer S. Goodman

You’ll want to talk with experts before taking a mortgage insurance policy.

I’m the first to admit I do not know much about Mortgage Life Insurance with your bank. I‘m also the first to know that is why I have a network of exceptional specialists that I have my clients turn to when they’re looking at property investments and the various insurances that they will want to consider to ensure they and their family can afford to live in their homes and maintain their real estate investment portfolio in the event of accidents, loss of health or anything else that may financially impact their world.

No medical exam and still approved by your bank for life insurance? Sound too good to be true? Well, it may very well be once something goes awry. Yes, I said “awry” because claims will be scrutinized more than you can imagine and if you answered anything incorrectly in the original process and they automatically approved you…. well, good luck getting your claim approved.

When you work with us, I always recommend taking the time and building your team or at least reconvening with the pros you already have in place. As life changes through various stages you will want to reconnect with and update those people who will have your back if the chips are ever down. Ensure they know who you are and that you’re not merely your policy number with an automatic withdrawal each month.

For a list of our exceptional mortgage insurance professionals, please contact us and I will be happy to forward them to you. And, if you love videos, I have a few that may be of interest called “What The Pros Know“.  PS We’re working on bringing more real estate and real estate related videos to you. So, if you have a specific topic you’d like to see, please let me know and I will see what I can do!

Original Article By Globe & Mail that sparked today’s blog post.


Jennifer S. Goodman

